
First extract the Folder of the Zip-File to your C4D-Installation-Folder/library/scripts.
After restart, go to Window -> Customization -> Customize Commands…

Make sure to add the two scripts to the same shortcut and restrict the Material-Renamer to the Material Manager..!

A new Renamer Dialog.
With probably the most useful options you need to have.

Numbering Feature:
– Start your numbering with a specific number
– Add the numbers in front or at the end of your Name



Rename Objects after Parent or Childs.
If a child or parent is within your selection, you have the possibility to rename your Objects after them.

– Hold SHIFT to add the ObjectType in front of it.
– Hold CTRL or ALT to add the CurrentName in front of it.



The new Material-Renamer..!
– Rename your Materials according to your Objects.
– Rename Objects after Materials.